Doubt your doubt.
Be kind to yourself, for all our sake. Doubt the evidence you use to prove that fear rules the day and all is lost. Doubt the voice that says you’ll never make it, never have, the voice that says you don’t belong, never did. Doubt the voice that says insanity has the power. These lies live on borrowed time. They need your daily consent to keep you captive. They need your invitation to occupy your mind and sight. They need your confusion to have you believe that you are weak and afraid. Wake up love! OK, so you’ve been fooled, just like the rest of us. You are also just as worthy as any of us, just as capable to serve the vast intelligence and infinite potential of creation, just as ready to discover this majesty as your true self, even as you are simultaneously humbled to the core. Every exhalation a chance to surrender and release. Every in breath an opportunity to open wider. Fear not, your roots will find their way to the native trust that fills every particle of our one, huge, quiet heart. Look out at the world from this place and then tell us what you see. ~Luke Anderson |