His name is the old way. Not the ancient, tap root to source, worthy of honor, elder, way. His is the tired, worn out, forlorn and ready to die way. Scanning the past and future incessantly, everywhere his suffering, theirs. “Maybe this time", he says, drawn by the intoxicating aroma of the next hope. But his imaginings are saturated with a great suspicion, and his body shudders once again, afraid of everything, even joy. He thinks he knows what he wants, but everywhere there is too much dust. The very effort to see just muddies the water. It is time we released him from his duties, his burden, his impossible task: the effort to secure certainty in that which is always changing. How to speak of the new way, ancient way? How to describe that which is seen only where there is no thing, that which is heard only in silence? Somehow, we find our way. The core glows, and truth beckons. Aware as the still source, empty of content, the pen moves by itself. Alert, we abide as pure potential, a vast presence whose nature is intelligence. Despite appearances, there is only one of us. We are curious but not too interested, for desire can get so quickly ahead of itself. We are unmoving yet contain all that moves, unflinching, undefended, utterly intimate with even the smallest turn of the wheel. Here there is no possession, no control, no avoidance of pain, no race to get there. This then, the great choice: to relinquish everything, all hope, all fear, and rest as the choiceless, the choice which has already been made. This is no head in the clouds, repelled by the earth or humanity passivity. This is home in the gutter as well as the throne moment to moment devotion to the love, unfolding. Everything, honored, recognized, nourished. This is moment to moment devotion attention deep listening to the love, to the choice that has already been made. Despite appearances, there is only one of us. Here is clarity, freed from preconception, revealing infinite possibility. To open to it all, without promise, this becomes the great willingness. Purpose is clear. Time is no more. All is well. Free, and yet fully here. ~~Luke Anderson |